Bengal Kittens for sale!

Bengal Cats impress us with their beauty and their grace. Their country of origin is USA. The Bengal cats have something mysterious and graceful just as their Asian Leopard ancestors. Once separated by four generations from the original Asian leopard Cat and domestic cat crossing, the breeds temperament resembles that of a domestic cat. They are captivating and strikingly beautiful in appearance. Bengal cats have a sleek, soft coat, which is more like a pelt rather than an ordinary cat coat.
Bengal cats vary in size with female being the smaller ones. Average Males usually weigh around 10 lb., and females 7 to 9 lb, about the size of a regular cat. All Cats are considered kittens until the age of 1 year.
People still may have reactions to them just like with any other cat. If that’s the case, Flonase is your best friend!
The difference between the two is that the F1 Bengal Cat is the first generation cross between a Bengal cat and an Asian leopard cat. These cats are 50% wild. They are also more spotted and look more like the Asian Leopard Cat himself. The sound they make is also a bit different, and are extremely vocal with many sounds. These cats are considered more exotic, and usually higher in price.
Very gentle, very sweet to the one they bonded to, often timid, very curious, will follow you everywhere, will never hurt you, but they may not like strangers, and so they may hide. They are more afraid of us!. As long as they are exposed to you on daily basis and socialized, they make very loving pets! Cats usually don’t trust just anyone, they need time to build this trust, with F1s this process takes much longer. But so far, we have many happy clients who absolutely love their F1 kittens.
When you become their human, they are extremely devoted and will follow you everywhere all the time, like your shadow 😉
However, there is a possibility that your F1 Cat may bond to only one human in the house, and if you already have another feline, there is also a possibility that your F1 may bond to your cat and not you. I love the EG Early Generation Cats and are my personal favorite. These cats have amazing personalities, you just have to give them time to get to know you!
Some F1 Bengal cats can have a dog like personality. They will even Wagg their tail like a dog when they greet you, they also move about as quickly as a happy dog, if you can picture that. Did I say they are quick? They are extremely quick!
F1 Bengals are also born hissing and spitting while their eyes are still closed. Spitting sounds like little sneeze but is a spit. Lol No this does not mean they are actually spitting at you, just only with their sound. This is actually very cute and funny. After all this comes from the Asian Leopard Cat himself and is their normal behavior. It is super adorable, and we love it. They will also growl at their toys and while eating, which is also super adorable! When they grow up, they may occasionally spit and hiss at their toys or when a stranger walks into your house. F1 Kittens are born fuzzy, and their coats clear out by 4 months of age. The SBT are born clear and start their fuzzy stage at 4 weeks of age, they also clear out by 4 months of age. F1 Bengals also have spots on the back of their ears, SBT Bengals do not. We also love the extra spotted coats and their white spotted bellies, which you do not see much in the later generation cats.
The structure of the F1 Bengal is also a little different and resembles more of the Asian leopard cat. They have smaller spotted rounded ears; their faces are like of a little leopard. Their back hind legs are longer than the front legs. Their tails are thick, their heads are smaller, and they are all around all legs, and more slender.
F1, F2, F3 Bengal Males are Sterile, so only the F1 females can continue to produce the next generation F2 Bengals and so forth.
F1 Bengal Cats are very Smart! Did I say they are highly intelligent? Seems like they understand my every word! I say! They will also guard you like a watch dog at night at the end of your bed! lol We have learned that the F1 Bengals get more bonded and devoted to their humans, and more so than the later generation SBT/G5.
Diet: many people say that F1’s only eats raw food, and many people also say that F1 will never use the litter box! Let’s review!
Diet: many people say that F1’s only eats raw food, and many people also say that F1 will never use the litter box! Let’s review! These misconceptions are simply not true. Yes, Raw is best, and if you want to feed raw, go for it! But our F1 cats eat can and dry, so yes, it’s possible to feed can or dry.
Litter Box: Our F1 kittens have no issue using their wood pellet litter box, at this time. However, keep in mind, since the Asian leopard cat likes to (ONLY) defecate in water, sometimes you may find that on occasion your F1 Bengal may use her water bowl. If this Behavior starts up, you can simply set up a water litter box, and have both options available. However, If they continue to use their normal litter with no issue, then skip the water litter box. Reach out to us if you need advice how to set one up!
F1 Bengal cats prefer a cleaner environment, they do not like to dig in litter, if another cat used it. I have actually found them to be cleaner than the SBTs. This is also why they like water sources, because they feel it’s cleaner when playing in dirty sand.
Advice: Scoop their litter daily! If you have multiple cats set up multiple litter boxes.
Another Fact: Fixing your kittens before they reach sexual maturity around 5 to 6 months of age will also prevent spraying and marking behavior, and this goes for
All Bengals, any cat, both male and female.
F1 Bengals are truly amazing cats and my personal favorite, they have the true Wild look of the Asian Leopard Cat, similar sound of the Asian leopard Cat, but with a better temperament!
Zikki Ramsey of Bellissimi

Also be aware of Bengal Scammers advertising cheap Bengal kittens! Often, they will steal breeder’s photos and create fake information of non-existing cats! Our advice! Do your research! Video call, make sure the kitten is actually real! We have heard way too many horror stories! But if the price of the kitten is too good to be true, then it’s usually a Scam!